Saturday, March 22, 2008
Spring Break
Sat./sun family reunion, cody's uncle bob and aunt Vivian stayed with us, our first company from his side. Ever since establishing a guest room we've had a lot of company. Build it and they will come I guess.... Silas got asked over to a friends house and they went to Duncan and went swimming.
Mon & Tues it rained, I tried out all my new creative correction ideas on the kids. ... a great book, trying to build character and not be guilty of lazy parenting...we played some computer games from the library, school work camoflauged....while we send and support our public school we supplement on purpose. We also went to town with Cody and bought seeds and plants for a garden!! And silas got to go play with Casen again, which made Cady upset.
Wed. we had church, silas has started playing football with the boys and loving it. We discovered our neighbors had all 5 of their grandkids for 3 days. More kids to play with yeah!
Thur. we planted onions in the garden, enjoyed the sunshine, sported our new shades, Silas created many lego planes, trains and houses. Silas and the neighbor kids played cowboys. No one was hurt in the crossfire thank goodness. Our Charis rested, started on a medication for the spitting up but we still have no relief from it, I think she's just going to have to outgrow it for now we'll just endure. It is her only fault though, she is so sweet!!!!
Friday- I took the girls to town, picked up Hayli our cousin and took them swimming, we ran into other more distant cousins one of which has the name Charis, Cody and silas worked cattle with friends, and I began walking last night.
Resurrection Day is tomorrow, we are getting ready for that now.
So without spending any money we had a great break , the best part was not having an agenda every day. Uninhibited play and Charis still got her naps!
About blogging....I created a myspace page but find this easier. So if you want to debate my choice you must have 3 kids and do all that I do and then we'll talk about what's easier. Have a blessed day.
Monday, March 3, 2008
My Totes
I've heard it said you can tell a lot about a person by looking in their purse or billfold. Well here you have my totes on my mudroom wall, ready to go. I guess they tell more than you want to know about me! These are the winter ones. I'll start with the ones on the left
Tourquise Library bag- I actually won this at the minister'swives conference in Oct. A cool bag. It's filled with borrowed books, my good friend Jana let us borrow a lot of Magic Tree House books, I think I get more into them than the kids do, we even have the official passport from the website. The last adult fiction book I read was Obsession by Ted Dekkar, really good.
My purple backpack has been with me the longest, since my junior year in highschool, I bought it at an outlet mall leather store for 30$ , well worth the money. I take it on vacation, it's seen a lot of states and car floorboards.
My church bag, got at the SBC convention last year....holds stuff I need for all the things I do at our community of believers
The statium seats....$13 at Walmart, they even have pockets for toys, money, poms....
The black diaper at the hospitol, it holds it all well and is the main one I carry these days.
My camera bag, and my video camera bag was in there somewhere- I love pictures, enough said
I have a collection of totes from other countries, this one's from the Phillipines, I'll save those for another post
On the bench left to right I have my potluck/food tote, my music bag, and my Bible tote- The best for last. Speaking of which I need to go read it..........