Nepal Trip- 5 weeks to go
Monday, September 14, 2009 at 10:29pm
I am going with my dad to Kathmandu, Nepal in 5 weeks. I am excited and nervous but with my schedule rarely have time to think about that. I have begun intense praying for the trip and ask any who read this to do the same. I'll post a new note each Monday until the Monday I leave- I hope you join me on the journey.....
Basic info-
our group consists of 3 men, 3 women and Jack Robbins my dad. I don't know the men that well so I am will mostly post our women needs... Michelle Jones, friend, minister's wife and women's leader from Marlow, OK and Sandy Pogue, GA leader and friend here in Velma, will join me physically on this journey. They are both beautiful women and we make a great team.
We will meet local friend Bishwa, his wife Gopi their 2 biological children and 10 orphan children under their care.We will hold a teaching seminar, speak to women and youth, then go to the Tibet border to do further meetings.
Most of the people are Hindu, like India, there are Moaists (communist from China) and Buddhists there too. It's our pleasure to help them and learn from them- I can't wait to meet them, to see there smiles and eyes light up and play with the kids.
Pray for
- our visas to come back soon, with no problems or delays
- somewhere to stay the night and rest after a long 2 day flight in India before entering Nepal
- spiritual preparation in going, knowing what to say, how to say it and so forth
- some of the team are still needing financial support- God's plan never lacks God's provision-
- physical prep- keep us healthy and rested
4 Weeks to Go
Tuesday, September 22, 2009 at 11:38am
Okay I am starting to get a little nervous about this...
2 Timothy 2:7-8 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self discipline. ( and check out the next verse-) So you must never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord.
so pray for
- peace
- continued health, this so incredibly important on a short term trip- by the time we get used to the new& opposite our time zone time we come home and are jet lagged again, the tiredness is one thing, but sickness and female problems could really be devastating....please pray for mine, Sandy and Michelle's health
- we (the girls) are taking shots today in Okc, pray we get all we need, it doesn't take that long and that Charis does well (she has been challeging in public lately)
- speaking of charis- we need childcare for her a couple of days the second week, pray we find some willing help
our schedule got changed this week, we trust it's a good thing
looks like we will spend the night in Delhi airport- still pray for this 9 hour overnight layover- this doesn't sound fun
I leave you with pictures on youtube- the faces of Nepal, I had my kids watch it and tell me everything they could learn about Nepal from the pictures, there's a lot.....
3 Weeks to Go
Tuesday, September 29, 2009 at 1:18pm
Today I find my self contemplative, having just read a book about an American surgeon's life in Nepal. (the link to the actually book online- I am so glad Sandy lent me the book. Her father gave it to her. He had wanted to go with us to Nepal but had to undergo surgery this week. Sandy has been with him in TX all week. We are praying for his quick recovery- for him and her peace of mind as we leave in less than 3 weeks! So here's what I learned- Nepal is very poor, VERY poor. They are way behind medically compared to Westerners and face over population. There isn't enough farm land to feed them and they don't really export anything. They are apprehensive of our western help because of many traditions and Hindu beliefs about spirits, bad karma & reincarnation. Most live day to day just trying to eat. The per capita income is $1100. The conversion rate of money I figured this week is 100 rupees = $1.30
Most apprehension has subsided this week and been replaced by love for the Nepali people, faith and trust in my God, and thanksgiving for provision to go.
I will also mention I watched City of Joy a 1992 film with our recently lost Patrick Swayze, although about India slums, it was an endearing story of another humanitarian doctor.
I am again so very thankful for the time you have taken to read these updates...
(again I speak about the women going)
- no ill effects from shots and we are healthy (with the flu all around us)
- our trip's financial needs have been met, money they need is another story
- I found clothes last Friday, at good prices, for the trip (we shouldn't wear jeans and the shirts have to cover the butt) Cady has announced she's going to be a Nepalese girl for Halloween.
- we have been hearing the Lord speaking as to what we are to say and do when we are there, this has been a stretch for us- total dependance on the Holy spirit, we tend to want to know and prepare a lesson- but that's a western approach to teaching, we are just praying for revelation and speaking what we feel the Holy Spirit leads us to say
- please pray for our health, again it's imparative we remain healthy- the trip will be very exhausting, there time zone is directly opposite of ours.
- that our travel is uninterupted, a delay of a plane could be very troublesome
- for our families we leave behind, Michelle and I have 3 kids each that will be shuffled around while we are gone
- okay this is a selfish one, but I think God cares about little things as well as big things- I want to buy a nativity scene ( something I collect) from Nepal, I am thinking that this might be hard to find in a Hindu kingdom, so if they even make them, I am praying God lets me find one to buy while there
Nepal- 2 weeks to go
Monday, October 5, 2009 at 7:17am
Two days in a row I am up at 6 after being summoned by a loud baby. A lady at church yesterday thought I should be used to odd sleeping times with Charis being so young but she's slept through the night for nearly 2 years, no one is immune to jet lag I am sure.
We had a great service at church yesterday- a mission emphasis, hearing from 2 we sent out this summer and praying over Sandy and I. I was very moved by who came and prayed over me. It was very meaningful. I am very thankful for our church's support. We are not only taking a youth trip in the states in March, sending 2 youth to the UK in June but I plan on leading a July trip for families and 5th/6th graders again in the states. Praise God.
I am trying to immerse myself in their culture again this week. I watched "7 years in Tibet" based on a book of a real life POW during the 40's who was climbing one of the mountains in India when war was declared. He escaped into Tibet right before Mao Se Tung took over the region. Heindrich Heller I think was the guys name. (Of course a much younger Brad Pitt played in the 1997 movie) I noticed China is celebrating the 60 years of communism this past week as well. Tibet is Buddist, similar yet different from Hinduism which Nepal is known for.
Personally- we struggled this week physically- Charis has had the chicken pox (although she'll tell you the dog bite her every time you look at the spots) a mild case since she has had the shot but she has still been quarantined. Health remains our #1 prayer request.
I have begun to pack, Cady put a note in requesting "good stuf" for her and Silas :)
I have a busy 2 weeks leading up to a wedding I'm in 2 days before I leave. While we scheduled the trip around the wedding I regret the chaotic feeling of getting ready for both big events, and having a child with chicken pox wasn't in the plan.
- Childcare I think has been resolved for my family
- Excitement and Joy in preparing even in constant
- Thankful for the prayer support so far
Please Pray-
#2 There are so many details in getting there- passports, on time planes, packing all we'll need- pray for quick answers to questions and minds that remember things, lol
#3 We'd like to meet American M's that are in Kathmandu, pray we make contact this week and get to meet them when we are there.
dad with the children, last year when he was in Nepal
Nepal- one week to go
Monday, October 12, 2009 at 8:38am
Coffee beside me, I am again reminded of my many blessings and conveniences here in America. Next week will begin a journey of faith, endurance and trust. Me and my Bible study buddies are going through Esther this semester and last nights lesson was on fear- wow! I cried through half the session. I have always been somewhat trusting, confident and what I thought brave. But I've never really been through much tribulation either, my worst trouble has been being voted against to lead music in a church I loved, which is more an ego thing. I have walked with dear friends through many heartaches and wept at their losses from babies to fires. God has been gracious to us but I never presume my life will always be easy. Do I fear dying?- I fear pain, I fear leaving people behind- but I fear God more and he has called me to go so I go...and as I've always been taught we'll cross that bridge when we get there....
So today begins a week of preparation and packing and parties and a wedding, fall break and hopefully some nice memories. I am very busy which leaves little time to worry. I guess I like it better that way.
- continued health, Charis is over the chicken pox and we are all getting good rest and exercise, and antioxidants. Michelle's son Micah got hurt in football last week- Satan really knows how to overwelm us but I think he was doing better last I heard
- the notes of encouragement are so nice, they build my heart with courage all through the week thank you so much
- some of my students have donated to my trip which has been a neat blessing
- the kids at church I work with have also been excited for me, it's cool
- we've gotten some good things to take with us to leave with them (we are taking advantage of the luggage we can bring, taking them items like Bibles, candy, shoes, books, small toys, etc.)
- HEALTH, as always my biggest concern ( we start malaria pills this week, no side effects please)
- Mentally sound minds, focused on God's provision, love, grace
- my camera- it's on the brink and I don't have the money to get a new one, just pray it works the whole time
- that we can bring all these Bibles into the country
- for the travel days, no delays, with 5 flights to catch this is almost impossible to achieve but with God all things are possible, amen?
God bless thanks for reading,
Nepal- Here we go!
Monday, October 19, 2009 at 6:09am
Got a minute to write before I leave my home. Home, what a nice word, you know, :)
Lingered a little longer in my nice hot shower and am enjoying my coffee.
Didn't expect saying goodbye to the kids would be so hard, couldn't take my eyes off of them.
Pray for Silas, it's hard on him. My mom didn't ever go this long away from us, I imagine it's hard on a 9 year old.
so here's the schedule, I'll post as we have opportunity you all...thanks for going with me
Monday-10/19 travel day
OKC— Chicago- New Jersey- Brussels, Belgium
Tuesday– 10/20 travel day
Belgium— Delhi, India (over night in the airport)
Wed. 10/21 travel & rest day
Delhi— Katmandu
Thur. 10/22 meeting day
In Kathmandu
Friday 10/23 travel & meeting day
Kathmandu— Tibet border
Sat-10/24 travel &meeting day
Tibet Border—Kathmandu
Sunday—10/25 meeting day
In Kathmandu
Monday-10/26 meetings & cultural day
In Kathmandu
Tuesday 10/27 travel day
Wed. 10/28 travel
Remember the time difference is 12 hours ahead of OK time
Here in Nepal -
Wednesday, October 21, 2009 at 11:19am
The trip was soooooooo long, ( 50 hours , 5 planes) we lost all kind of hours, spent the night in India, which wasn't that bad...
everyone loves the shirts, Debbie
the food is very different, lots of masala (spice)
the team gets along well,
felt your prayers all the way as we just made the plane in Newark, everyone was helpful and all the luggage made it, and nothing broke!
pray for meetings the next few days - God is so amazing and their stories are such a blessing
A trip like this should be a requirement for all Christains!
Nepal day 2- Wow!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009 at 8:46am
wow, we met all day with Kathmandu believers, it was great
3 sessions in the morning and I even spoke- told my "story"
2 sessions in the afternoon- they let me teach the children in the afternoon- there faces are beautiful, Michelle took incredible pictures
I miss my kids but love on all these fun ones, kids are kids in any culture and I love them
I also had Nepali pizza tonight, it was different!
the girl to the left of me reminds me of Cady- with glasses, and the boy to the right is Anand , the pastor's son and very fun spirited , reminds me of my precious Silas
Nepal- day 3, Kathmandu
Friday, October 23, 2009 at 11:19am
Today we've learned there are many more uses for the scarves we are to wear over our heads when we speak-
1. to cover your face when you ride in the taxi car from the dust, some main roads are dirt- tomorrow I am promised a ride on a motorbike,
2. something to cough or sneeze into
3. something to dry your eyes when the people turn your heart upside down with their stories, or when you are so moved by the way they worship with no reserve or dance in praise
4. something to dry your hands when there is no towel near the sink
5. something to wrap around a king when you are acting out How great is our God
They use the scarves to wrap babies around your back when walking, to dance with, to just look beautiful in and to cover the babies when they sleep, I have also seen them used for a purse/carry all
Nepal day 6
Monday, October 26, 2009 at 10:41am
cool day in Kathmandu, met even more people-
a Nepali music and dance teacher!!!!! who is pregnant after many years of infertility , she had been witnessed to many times by the girl who started the church where we were meeting, she's a 26 year old hair dresser, she prayed that if God gave her a baby girl she'd try the church, she is having a baby girl due next month. She showed me traditional Indian dance steps and I prayed over her baby, she has been a Christian less than a year and not yet baptized and we are praying for her husband and son to become believers - a little child shall lead them - (she also owned a dress shop and we all got taylor made dresses)
an American young couple who are ministering here , we are going to eat in their resturant tomorrow, the lazy gringo, supposedly a tex -mex place, and we are happy to try it, the food has been very different and spicy
and lastly tonight a couple from Great Britain who are doing charity work but love the Lord and she is speaking on ESTHER in 2 days to a large group of Nepali women--we prayed over her, she was very spirited and she even invited us to England to stay with her in her garden cottage!!!
we also shopped a lot, we were going to tour mt. Everest by plane tomorrow before leaving but the weather will not allow it, next time we will do it
We had an amazing worship service this morning ( a mid week service) I am in awe of how they live just the New Testament church , the youth learned a drama from Terry
All in all a wonderful day , I even crossed the street- it's quite a challenge in Nepal
One of the other team member's blogs- Terry's blog and some videos
One last post in Nepal
Sunday, October 25, 2009 at 8:19pm
NO eye has seen , no ear has heard, nor mind conceived that which the Lord has prepared for them
1 cor. 2:9
All I can say is what ever you are going through this day hang on, there is so much more the Lord wants to do in your life, what ever you leave behind in pursuit of knowing him more is worth it, no matter what you have to do –DO IT- God has things, plans for your life you could not imagine. Peace you have only dreamed of, love you've never experienced, worship that fills the soul, joy that is indescribable, self control that comes easier, faith that rolls off the tongue, kindness that flows, goodness that does, patience even in a minibus for 4 hours in the dark with at least 25 people.
I am living testimony- God keeps his promises , WHEN you come to Nepal and spend time with the believers you will live out the verse above. For you can't conceive what I've experienced.
Pray for beautiful shopping today!!! My team gives me grief over my need to shop...I don't think I'll find a nativity scene, I brought one to share and they didn't even have a name for it in their language.
Dad has made friends in the cafe next to me, I travel beside him on the 4 hour trip to the border both times, we sat in the front as the honored guests. Beside my name on the banner at the seminar -my name was listed Lori Deevers (daughter of Jack) I guess my claim to fame. I have treasured the time here with my dad. It have been as beautiful as the mountains I just saw. And the team has had fun laughing at his "ways" and if you know Jack, you know what I am talking about....
Hope to post once more before I leave, just remember - 2 cor. 2:9- God is so worth following whole heartedly
Back from Nepal
Thursday, October 29, 2009 at 11:58am
You have joined me through the whole process and I am forever grateful for the company along the way- we travel well together! I'd like to tell you how your prayers were answered...
our health- I went with a slight head cold, the kids on wed. Night laid hands on me and prayed, the next day I was much better, on Sunday I had a little stuffiness but nothing to complain about, the 5 airplanes descents were painful but temporary, that was due to fluid in near the ear drum. Again nothing to complain about, we were so incredibly tired once we got to the hotel but the sleep came eventually... all in all it could've been a lot worse and wasn't
our schedule- from running to planes, to the many services it was all in God's timing and in the end it was as the Nepali taught us - "no worries" (said with this unique head tilt thing they do) even when dad found out he didn't have a airplane ticket to Pakistan , it all came together
our united team- we had so much fun together, all different ages, different back grounds, different accents and preferences but we all liked to travel and loved Jesus and all had unique nicknames for each other in the end and much admiration for one another
our souvenirs- this is really a foreign concept to the Nepalese but we purchased much there and each of us found unique things we had all prayed for, from hand made drums to Jane Austen books and a Nepali Bible, hand tailored dresses to nativity scenes we found all thanks to some Americans there and you praying for those "wants" thank you , I will post pictures soon
our safety- we never felt in any harm not even when we looked over the side of the micro bus and saw a 1000 foot drop and no guard rail or came upon a large "creek bed " we'd have to cross on the road to Tibet, the scariest thing was riding the motorcycles and taxis or just crossing the street but God calmed our nerves. The Nepalese are a very jovial and outgoing people who enjoyed our presence.
our words- never before have I been so dependent on the leading of the Holy Spirit , it was quite amazing ... it was a little unnerving walking into a service and not knowing what we where going to say but we received the words from the Lord each hour every day, and in the end I am sure the Lord himself planned the programs and that there will be much fruit from our 6 days in Nepal, not only in our ministry but the other ministries we found out about when we arrived there.
the salvation- the most important thing- 2 that were lost received salvation while we were there, one was Bishwa's father in law, we praise the Lord that those who were once blind now see the Lord's salvation