Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Did you bring this?", tales about baby shower bags...

When you receive an invitation this cute you know you need to attend the shower just to check it out. What wonderful food will they serve? What cute pink baby decor will they don? Will they have games? What will the blessed mom wear?

I went for other reasons too- I have known Jennifer since I was born, our families were friends before we came along, I just plain like her, and she and Cody are 2nd cousins, I'm in a baby craze right now, and I wouldn't have children in toe-

I made a cute card , (it's a sticker don't get to excited)

And put together a bathtime/bedtime kit with sleepers and blankies, bath robes, bath clothes and a pink thermometer...

Got the kids fed and Charis napping....

made the 30 min trip, eating and making calls on the way....

made a horrible realization and fought going home but I really wanted to check out the shower and see Jenn and eat and talk....

So I walk in find a seat next to Aunt Mary, as Cody calls her. We catch up and I meet more of her wonderful family. She and her husband used to be music ministers at Velma years ago. They are legends 'round here. And have left a legacy of music and faith for their large family. I love em, they are a lot of fun- and I am the "otter" personality ya know...

I took my camera to take a picture of her opening my well-thought-out gift and when she opened her diaper bag I whipped it out for a shot. Just for this blog and you my wonderful readers- all 8 of you! And my sister, she missed it, she lives a million miles away.

except my camera is a joke , maybe this'll work...

no..agh... forget was an awesome bag- with matching wipe container and changing pad and it was that plastic kid friendly material.

Meanwhile woman around me are sniffing the diapers, for ol times sake I guess? I forgot Cody's grandparents names and Aunt Mary couldn't smell or get anyone to get her a fork-

Jenn was cute, cute. Glowing and smiling. Her sister in law was cute too- she was the one who did the invites and is sitting on the right there.

Jenn got some M&M's and looked at me and said, "Did you bring this?"

My eyes got big, ummmm, well no actually I didn't. And then I had to confess- I brought no gift- I made sure I brought my tomatoe/pesto pizza to eat in the car but I forgot your gift. That cute bag was still sitting by my door.

I will begin taking memory therapy treatments in the morning- do they have an app for that? Not that I have a phone like that. Camera's first on the list...

Friday, February 26, 2010

Lunch with Cady

In the last year I've begun working more...unfortunately. I love teaching, don't mind working, it's the more part that's hard- just more time away from family that's all.

I wish children were born with money so they could pay up for all the meals, diapers and laundry. This would help greatly. Oo, what an idea? Maybe God just designed it so they pay in better ways like kisses and hugs and cute expressions. You know like that "can I pay you in GUM?" commercial....where the electrician is sad cause no one pays him in gum. (side note I tried the gum and it is good but I know of no teenager alive that would go for this, pls send them my way if you do) And you know it's a farce when they put an electrician up there to say that- I am still trying to find out why they aren't all leaving in mansions since our remodel last year.

So where was I.... working...yes, God has been good to provide work. But it takes me away from my big kids in school so today I took Cady to eat lunch. Actually she earned the privilege- 4 100's on spelling tests and we take them to lunch. Celebrate the little things. Cady's an ace on spelling, Silas has really struggled this year on his- he mumbled something about too many kids in a class and cursive writing but I don't know....

So the totegirl went to lunch- I was actually avoiding some other volunteer work. I wish Charis could've taken a picture of me, I had 4 totes around my neck when we came home. It wasn't attractive...

Well we got pizza from E&S. Rural Oklahoman's understand this getting lunch at the convenience store thing. I'd rather fix my own lunch at home but this is supposed to be a treat and going to the convenience store is the treat around here. We have 4 convenience stores, 1 diner and 1 nice restaurant in this town- if you call BBQ nice. But ppl drive from all over to go to it so I call it a nice restaurant.

It was nasty outside so we sat in the car, then she wanted to go back and show off her treat to the other sad 2nd graders eating school lunches.

So I thought I'll eat with her.

A germaphobic I am not, but the cafeteria kinda crept me out.

They looked like they are having fun but the girl in the middle there told me not to touch the tables- she knew about the creepy germs too.

So while Charis was eating a milkshake I chatted with the girls all around us. Turns out they have cute lunch bags!!! Leave it to me...

This one was really cool with shoulder handles- the owner assured me you got them at Walmart but I don't know- looked too designer for Walmart, but hey maybe they had cool stuff back before school started. Her sister walked by later with a polka dotted one.

By then Charis' chin was sticking to her neck so we went to the bath room. Great more germs. And I couldn't turn the water faucet off in the bathroom. Which only made me wonder how the 4 year olds do it...I don't want to think about the other options.

I will picking my kids up more often, I'd take them all out to lunch if they'd let me. 2nd grade lunch was retro and fun until the teacher made us all close our mouths and eat in silence. This was difficult for me. No wonder Ms. teacher had to approach me in the hall about how her excessive talking is disruptive. Maybe she is a little like me.

Was I ever a teacher? This all seems foreign to me. I have been home 10 years now, yikes -10 years since I taught public school. Maybe they'll invent a cure for dirty kids by the time I go back.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Growing up on a Pew

   /pyu/ Show Spelled[pyoo] Show IPA
(in a church) one of a number of fixed, benchlike seats with backs, accessible by aisles, for the use of the congregation.
an enclosed seat in a church, or an enclosure with seats, usually reserved for a family or other group of worshipers.
those occupying pews; congregation.

Did you know about #3? If I call you pew next time I see you, don't get offended.

They are found in churches and flee markets,they are sometimes hard but a lot of people actually find rest in them :)

Well to say I grew up on a pew isn't altogether true - by the time I got out of the nursery my parents were starting a church - in a high school. No pews there. Then by the time I was into Jesus, like in following him and showing others by baptism we met at the YMCA- (and it was fun to stay at the...)I walked the "isle" at the Y!!! I was baptized in an Olympic size swimming pool. And when we finally built a church we got nifty chairs you could stack and move around- it was a multifunctional building. So I don't really have much experience on a "pew".

I have much experience listening to God's word being preached- it is my heritage and I am so thankful. God's word has brought me through many ups and downs in this life, I love how it speaks, it convicts and it leads.

I now find myself raising kids on the pew. My philosophy of worship was rocked several years ago when I heard Robbie Castleman speak at a conference about parenting in the pew. In fact she wrote an unbelievable book about it. So here's the review but the book is worth buying.

1. Worship is not about us, it's not for our convenience nor entertainment
2. We are bringing our children to God in thanksgiving for them and to train them to fear, honor and respect God
3. Sacrifice has always been at the center of worship, bringing our children to Christ each week takes sacrifice on our part
4. Children "get" the worship experience much more than we think when we include them in each thing we do (sing, read, listen, give, pray)and don't try to merely pacify them with other things (candy, video games, cell phones or non related books)

I didn't set off to write about that I wanted to show you what my boy did last week during the service. I love kids. LOVE THEM! I love creativity...please don't bore me with "packaged" play-

Our church has envelopes for the money you donate. The are available in the "pew" ahead of you. Here's a nice one for the month of love...

I actually had a Catholic coworker laugh over the term "love offering" onetime. While the other Southern Baptist girl with me and I knew exactly what that meant,our Catholic coworker thought the term was quite funny. And after I thought about it, it is quite funny.

And here's the back of the envelope...

Well he didn't give any money that day, but he found other uses for it...

And while I don't promote using the envelopes for this purpose- I had to keep this one for the scrapbooks because he made the mouth out of the loop. Ingenious!

Now why does the envelope have a loop like that in the first place? This question has never come up in business meeting but I have my theories.....

Monday, February 22, 2010

Playing with Polly

Short post cause I'm holding a very emotional baby girl- I know how she feels, I'm there too once a month. I have some theories on pms in little girls but I'll save that for another day.

She's making this writing difficult by pushing me away from the computer. Maybe it's a sign, so I'll just leave you with our morning play time pictures...

Somehow we got into Polly Pockets, she wanted me to play and cried at my attempts to sneak away and get some laundry done.I didn't mind too much playing and guess who showed up? Snow White.

We've been on a Snow White kick for months. Today she's breaking the mold by wearing pants. Can a princess wear pants? And since she was visiting here in Oklahoma she was nice enough to bring a cowboy hat.

Those girlie hands made dressing in plastic a bit challenging.

Polly had some cute bags I just had to share- I especially like the flower one!

And I designed my own Polly avatar/lookalike. Except I don't have red hair. And that is a blue guitar I'm toting around. I just need a baby on my leg.

No really there is meaning to all this play. Sometimes as a mom to 3 children I get so busy and forget to just enjoy them. You may not know but I was scared to death to have a third child. I feared so many things would not go well. It's hard to be scared to have a third child when you are a third child- the pendulum of emotion between guilt and duty is taxing. You know none of what I feared has come about, in fact I have enjoyed Charis more than I ever dreamed. Among her many benefits she's just fun to sit and play with. I will miss her when she goes to school. Maybe I'll keep her home.

the next day....Today I was having a terrible-no-good-very-bad day. (That is Cady's favorite book and for good reason, she used to keep a tally of good days/bad days) Charis was there and wanted to jump on the trampoline. I was so glad I am not too old for the trampoline. I needed a good jump. And guess who was cheering "Go mom" on the side with her hand pumping up and down? My little bonus child. And guess who made my day? The child I was afraid would change my life forever. Don't be afraid to be blessed- "Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father above" James 1:17

Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Visit with a close friend...who has new and trendy diaper bags

Well I am happy to write about Becky's diaper bag because I am no longer in need of a diaper bag! Yes due to wonderful visual training via the Loving Family dolls, I am happy to report the sweet 2 year old is potty trained (day time only). Yea! Calicema, we did it, (Dora reference there)

We are no longer tote around half our house, not that I am still doing that with the third child- that would be unheard of. I just leave it all in the car.

So Becky and her cool bag....She got it in Cali, where all the cool people live...she got it for Christmas and I must say it's very chic.

Perfect combination of boy mom coolness, don't you think? Becky rocks in the blingbling dept. Always has. Becky and I go way back. I mean way back. I found this photo a couple of months ago at my parents...

We are front and center and apparently this was 1982's version of Laurie Berkner and we are entranced in guitar fun, or about to be. She seems to be pointing us in the right direction.

Here we are again having a party of some sort a little later in life, when charm necklaces were demanding our attention and weighing us down. My goodness. I loved that necklace, wished I still had it. Glad a have this photo of it, I'd forgotten the details of it. Anyway I needed to post these photos for Becky- I forgot to show her when we were together. I have many more featuring bling in the late 80's early 90's but I will save her...

On with the diaper bag- this thing was too cool, check out the mini bag attached on the side for the paci's . The paci bag- I love it. I never knew about those 2 years ago, not that she took a paci for very long but wouldn't that make the cutest gift. A paci tote :)

Here's his monogrammed bag- very cute too. They were heading home to Cali the day we saw them in NW Arkansas. We saw them a year before but this cute little baldy was with them and since I am in a terrible baby-missing mood I couldn't pass up the opportunity to hold him.

"You want me?"

I love him, still little enough to hold- he was perfect. Becky's a wonderful mom, we've already raised 4 older kids between us. We are both on to the bonus children.

Speaking of bonuses- here ours is holding hands with Levi. She loved him too.

And later in the day we saw what else this cool bag does, unzips in the front to make a changing pad. Way cool I tell ya. Sorry I have no other info than that.

I could tell you about how we managed to find our way to shopping during the day (even with all those children), ate fast food twice in one day, drove 4.5 hours home that night, or how blessed I feel to have Becky in my life as a confidant and friend. And all that would be true but I choose to leave you with visions of sugar plums and eye candy from Becky's sis-in-law's home. And I have been dreaming all day about how to put more color into my home....

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Basketball and the bags it requires....

Well the big kids are playing basketball this winter. Silas has asked for 3 years to play. In pre1st he was just too small still, 1st grade we had a new baby, 2nd grade we were remodeling- we don't plan our lives around grade school sports-

On our way to sign up, Cady pipes up- "I want to play." Ok. I recall all the kicking and crying we did in Kindergarten on the soccer field. I recall her making the all star team in softball- then complaining because she had to go play another game. Are you sure????? Yes. So they are both playing, in 2 different towns.

So we have totes- will travel...

Silas plays in Velma, his team is undefeated right now, he gets to play a lot and this past week he made a great shot! And I got to see it before I traveled to ...

He's the long haired one right in the middle

Duncan First BAptist, where Cady plays Upward BAsketball. It's been a good program, highly recommend it.

Here's our bonus child, Charis, sporting her basketball bag...she loves to cheer bubbie and Cady on "Go Comets!"

I have to show you the bag- my mom got it at

It was made in Africa by native artisans who partner with our missionaries.
The program provides jobs to those who need them. I have bought many things from them and all have been of excellent quality. Please check it out today! and sign up for an email about special deals, they offer discounts and free shipping a lot.

I thought we might explore the bag...what do you say? A two year old's bag at her siblings ball game- is there anything more entertaining? We'll see...

Hey Look - Dora likes her totebags too!

Oh course we bring money for ring pops, ball games are not ball games with lots of sugar!

Granny also sent us some "Loving Family" play people for Cady's birthday. They are so much fun to play with on the bleachers- here "dad" is flying

(for you "office" fans- doesn't it remind you of Dwight's avatar on the office?)

And this girl just had to go...

What can I say we are potty training- and doing well!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Cream Tutuorial (PW style)

So we've been blessed (or cursed) by having a unusually active & cold winter. I've made this recipe since I was a kid, (I'll find that picture and post later) But I know much of the reading area is getting enough snow today to make this so I wanted to post asap- and my old friends back east are under much snow - so make the best of it....

if you aren't so blessed to have snow today- you could try an ice shaver? snow cone maker? or come for a visit- I have a spare room!

Snow cream requires this, make sure you get it from a clean surface and check for dirt. Dirt ruins good snow cream. I know, we've done it. Kids love making this stuff. My 2 year is asking for it as I I'll continue

must have these ingredients. Now I just happen to have whipping cream or heavy cream but I usually use milk, the fattier the better (whole milk)

you'll need vanilla extract and sugar

and the amounts vary depending on how much you are making, how much snow you've been blessed with or how much clean snow you've been able to gather

Because time is very important due to the melting of the snow you need to gather the ingredients before hand and be ready to go as soon as you bring the snow in and if you have to stop for some reason just put the snow in the freezer- it'll be ok.

So add the sugar first, it'll look grainy. I think we used less than 1/4 cup for this batch

then add the milk or if your lucky and have cream of some sort add that...cream will make it creamier and if you freeze it, it'll be more ice cream like...hince the word CREAM :)

If I were really "together" I would have a picture here of pouring in a dash or two of the vanilla but somehow that picture is missing in cyberspace so imagine the picture, add the cream and let's go on ....

It will look like this at first but keep stirring, it's important that it doesn't look creamy yet, don't make the mistake of adding too much milk too soon. The snow will melt and work into a nice creamy looking dessert...remember you can always add more milk , you can't take it away...there's more to that life lesson...but I'll save it for another post

This is where a picture comes in handy, stir till it looks like this....

Freeze or eat immediately...we love the new pinch bowls I got recently so we served it up in those. We have also been known to eat it straight out of the bowl, everyone grab a spoon style

The kids don't care and they really don't care if you get it right or not so keep trying...if at first you don't get it right, I promise they'll keep eating it and they'll remember doing this 20 years from now- it's what childhood's all about...and again if you don't have snow I apologize- but you probably aren't even reading this if you don't your probably sun tanning or something...We'll be there in about 5 months! and we'll be wishing we had some cold arctic blasts

This is my nephew nathan, he was really blessed to have snow on his birthday this year, and due to loss of power at his house he was with me on that birthday and I made him snow cream- it's what a aunt's for you know-

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Way too many totes...

Well here are the totes I loaded up in my suburban on Tuesday this week-
on top-
purse loaded up with cameras for Cody's big day
media bag- mostly books, to read while driving and to take back to the library later in Duncan
cady's bball bag- for her practice later on
reading material for myself- PW's cookbook (thinking ahead) and Believing God Bible Study and I think that's a box of whales up there :)

on the floor
my lessons bag, I'd be teaching later on
Charis' bag full of extra clothes, wipes and Snow White (highly helpful when your brother is watching her all day) and one diaper just in case but she hasn't worn one in awhile

this is where we were going...the capitol building

More specifically we were going to the Oklahoma's House of Representatives in session, Cody was asked to give the invocation. He was nervous, we were proud.

Because he was nervous we had to get there on time, on time to cody is an hour before time the event starts. We got there an hour and a half early. So first we found Corey Holland's office on level 5, he represents our district. His brother is the music minister at the church where I teach in Duncan. Then we walked around- it was quite busy! It was water day. There were many booths full of Dunkin donuts, candy, magnets, pens, etc. For a moment there we thought we were at the SB Convention. Then we decided to check out the place. First we had to find the hall of Chocolate Heads (Corey told us a funny story about his son thinking they were made out of chocolate)

Silas was very disappointed...he liked the idea....

we found the oklahoma avatar (a 10 foot indian statue that I couldn't get a good pic of) . It looked just like those avatar's on the movie, size wise.

Then we found the snack joint...

Then we found the marble stairs...

Then we found the bathrooms....

Then we found the Senate side...

Then we found the Lieutenant Governor's office...

Then we found some art work....

Then we found....

What the???

Why I'll be........

Oklahoma's own - a music teacher's friend-

the one and only Woody Guthrie....

"This land is your land, this land is my land..."

I didn't break out in song I promise!

But I did look twice at his mouth-

Is that a ???

A Cigarette? In a highly profiled Oklahoma musicians mouth?

Lord help us....(I think that is my new catch phrase)