On our way to sign up, Cady pipes up- "I want to play." Ok. I recall all the kicking and crying we did in Kindergarten on the soccer field. I recall her making the all star team in softball- then complaining because she had to go play another game. Are you sure????? Yes. So they are both playing, in 2 different towns.
So we have totes- will travel...

Silas plays in Velma, his team is undefeated right now, he gets to play a lot and this past week he made a great shot! And I got to see it before I traveled to ...
He's the long haired one right in the middle
Duncan First BAptist, where Cady plays Upward BAsketball. It's been a good program, highly recommend it.
Here's our bonus child, Charis, sporting her basketball bag...she loves to cheer bubbie and Cady on "Go Comets!"
I have to show you the bag- my mom got it at http://www.worldcraftsvillage.com/
It was made in Africa by native artisans who partner with our missionaries.
The program provides jobs to those who need them. I have bought many things from them and all have been of excellent quality. Please check it out today! and sign up for an email about special deals, they offer discounts and free shipping a lot.
I thought we might explore the bag...what do you say? A two year old's bag at her siblings ball game- is there anything more entertaining? We'll see...
Hey Look - Dora likes her totebags too!
Oh course we bring money for ring pops, ball games are not ball games with lots of sugar!
Granny also sent us some "Loving Family" play people for Cady's birthday. They are so much fun to play with on the bleachers- here "dad" is flying
(for you "office" fans- doesn't it remind you of Dwight's avatar on the office?)
And this girl just had to go...
What can I say we are potty training- and doing well!
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