Friday, April 29, 2011

Thinking Royally........

Well we missed the wedding.

Oh well. We had other things on our minds like running and sleep. I'll let you guess who was doing what....

But in the spirit of all things royal and princess-y, I digress....

Our resident princess was dressing up today and I asked nicely if I could take a picture



I don't think we'd make it as royalty


"No, mom!"

When did she turn 8 and sassy?

I love the continuous photo option on my camera!!!

Well it's something...

While Cady didn't care a thing about the royal wedding, (am I concerned? no)....I was interested.

Mostly because I remember Diana's wedding. And I watch "The Queen" this week- good movie about growing older-

But there's something in all us girls, scarred as we are that longs to be a princess.

Eternity set in the hearts of women....we are meant for more girls.....more than this world.....

I took in Kate's dress, so much talk about the dress, I assumed it was kept secret for unveiling excitement- so classy, so white....made me think of eternity- the "bride of Christ", his church, clean, new, perfect, together, made whole- all because of him and all for him!

Then I saw William-( wasn't expecting the red) - and was taken back, not because he's so "hot" or anything but because it made me think of Jesus- the bride and her groom, there he stood- official, honorable, worthy, strong and courageous....waiting for his bride, his chosen, eyes intent, smile wide, just made me think....

One day the trumpet will sound for His coming

One day the skies with His glories will shine
Wonderful day, my Beloved One bringing
My Savior Jesus is mine

Living, He loved me
Dying, He saved me
Buried, He carried my sins far away
Rising, He justified freely forever
One day He’s coming
Oh glorious day, oh glorious day

ONE DAY ....

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Set it, they will come

I set the table once a week

At noon for a group of girls. 

Started out when one asked about her salvation, 
she had been to camp with me and been saved years before. 

I don't have much time in the afternoons since I teach but I love to have lunch with people. 

I set the table, she came. We worked it out.

A meal is a magical thing. 

All I do is cook it and they come. While I enjoy cooking I think they'd come even if I warmed up spaghetti o's. It's not because they love me. It's because something happens around the table that none of can really explain. 

The bread of HIS presence. See Exodus 25:30

Joins us. 

We eat, we eat well. But more happens than just food consumed. 

we laugh, I tell stories, they pour out hurts, ask questions, celebrate birthdays

Life around the table is good. 

This day held an illustration- the corelle I grew up eating off of-

Things are different now than they were when I was in high school (omg gulp) 20 years ago. 
(am I really that old? when did I get old?)

But God is the same- his truth remains- his activity may be different but his character is steadfast. 

So I mix the oil and the vinegar. 

Kneed the dough. 

Eat of the Earth's bounty and thank him for his goodness.

Even when justice isn't served and hearts are breaking and boys are cruel.....

Set it, yours will come too.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Time Marches On

Are we in March or April? I really don't know , time just keeps going and my mind is about 3 weeks behind....(one for each kid :)

Things is crazy 'rund here!

Last night at my brother's 40th birthday bash a sweet friend told me she loved reading my blog. She's never commented and it took me by surprise, three weeks ago a lady who rarely gets online told me the same thing. And that's enough to keep me writing......

Here's what's happening....

The boy smells, but I am glad he prides himself in his axe collection.....

Cady got her own room, and bathroom. All is right with the world ....for the moment....

Charis wears a "spinny" dress absolutely every single day....

She has yet to cut her hair. All is right in the world....for the moment....

Deacon is gi-normous. Knocks small three year olds to the ground. Chews on EVERYTHING! and  who needs a tiller for the garden? I have a puppy who is digging a hole to China.

Yea, I'm getting a little crazy with it.....

Spring brings many things, including prom...made my week that these boys would come by to let me take a picture of them! Oh to be 18 again.....

Spring has not brought us rain. We are very dry, wildfires are a constant threat (combination of dry dead grass, high winds and electrical lines).

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The laundry Room Remodel

Well since remodeling the kids rooms in August 

1.  It's been hard to walk in the girls rooms.
2. Cady is asking for her own space. Something about Charis talking at night
3. Two girls in one room is a lot of clothes and shoes.

So we have gone ahead and converted the laundry room into a closet so we can put our room in what we called the family room, which doubled as teaching room/guest room/workout room

It's been a SLOW process. We've done all the work ourselves so finding time is hard.

I had envisioned a "make do" plan but Mr. Incredible wanted real shelves. And he built them by golly.

We are still a long way from being done but here's what we started with...

Once we got all the existing junk out we could finally see the floor and it's lack of acceptableness. :)

Where a small upper cabinet set, removed for making of lots of shelves.

The more we uncovered the more there was to do....

Like a paint job...

New floor. Konecto. Boy we love it. Went in very easily, we discovered it last year when we had to remodel a rent house. Very durable, flexible and not bad looking.

Stay tuned...