We are no longer tote around half our house, not that I am still doing that with the third child- that would be unheard of. I just leave it all in the car.
So Becky and her cool bag....She got it in Cali, where all the cool people live...she got it for Christmas and I must say it's very chic.
Perfect combination of boy mom coolness, don't you think? Becky rocks in the blingbling dept. Always has. Becky and I go way back. I mean way back. I found this photo a couple of months ago at my parents...

We are front and center and apparently this was 1982's version of Laurie Berkner and we are entranced in guitar fun, or about to be. She seems to be pointing us in the right direction.

Here we are again having a party of some sort a little later in life, when charm necklaces were demanding our attention and weighing us down. My goodness. I loved that necklace, wished I still had it. Glad a have this photo of it, I'd forgotten the details of it. Anyway I needed to post these photos for Becky- I forgot to show her when we were together. I have many more featuring bling in the late 80's early 90's but I will save her...
On with the diaper bag- this thing was too cool, check out the mini bag attached on the side for the paci's . The paci bag- I love it. I never knew about those 2 years ago, not that she took a paci for very long but wouldn't that make the cutest gift. A paci tote :)
Here's his monogrammed bag- very cute too. They were heading home to Cali the day we saw them in NW Arkansas. We saw them a year before but this cute little baldy was with them and since I am in a terrible baby-missing mood I couldn't pass up the opportunity to hold him.
"You want me?"
I love him, still little enough to hold- he was perfect. Becky's a wonderful mom, we've already raised 4 older kids between us. We are both on to the bonus children.
Speaking of bonuses- here ours is holding hands with Levi. She loved him too.
And later in the day we saw what else this cool bag does, unzips in the front to make a changing pad. Way cool I tell ya. Sorry I have no other info than that.
I could tell you about how we managed to find our way to shopping during the day (even with all those children), ate fast food twice in one day, drove 4.5 hours home that night, or how blessed I feel to have Becky in my life as a confidant and friend. And all that would be true but I choose to leave you with visions of sugar plums and eye candy from Becky's sis-in-law's home. And I have been dreaming all day about how to put more color into my home....
1 comment:
Lori...I know this blog was not about your charm necklace but I had to click on your picture to see that necklace. Seriously takes me back and I haven't thought about it in years. What good memories!
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