wake up to Charis coughing like a seal
5 calls to the three of our closest family for a get together for Charis' birthday
Burn CD for friends having to work the weekend
ice Charis cake and cupcakes
drive to Duncan, trick or treat on main street
take Cd to friends
birthday party with cousins
Oct. 26
Charis' 1st birthday! we made it! yea!!! still coughing
make a bow for the cute birthday dress
sunday school, coffee, nursery duty- cupcakes with toddlers????what was I thinking???gifts from our church family, they are so precious to us
nap for Charis, mom reads her new Kingsbury( I actually finished 2 books this week)
ga's, ra's women's bible study- I love my traveling buddies (week 5 stepping up, beth moore)
Oct. 27
Shyann here by 7:30,
kids out the door by 8
piano lesson by 9
on our way to norman for dr. apt. by 10:30
Dr. Fox affirms my diagnosis - Charis has croupe, gets on steriods - yeah
check on Cody's Christmas present, it's not going to work- argh!
head home , girls sleep, I council a friend about a family situation and a different friend about her daughters interest in heaven's actual place in the universe
3:30 kids home, lessons start preparing for a recital- calling all kids/parents/etc.
4:00 Shyann gone home
6:00 chips and cheese for dinner, dad's away at a conference
7:00 we are practicing guitar and reading books , no tv!!
8:30 time for some kingsbury- fame I think was the book
Oct. 28
with Shyann and Charis we hit duncan for a car load- envelopes for my dad, 30 pumpkins for Wed. night, walmart trip (of Course), all the while talking on the phone!
one lesson at 5, Cody comes home, not too happy to see a house full of neighborhood kidsmake 6 dozen cookies for church the next night
I have visions of cleaning my house but my feet can't seem to move once I put the kids to bed
Oct. 29
meet other moms at 8:30 to unload pumpkins and set up for that night
work on info sheets for family night at church, we are sending packages to orphans in India, wrap a shoebox, find newspapers, knives, all the while on the phone (Kathy -sorry if the minutes go over this month, people are in need)
3:30- 6 students, 3 kids, 1 shyann, 1 husband at one time- what to come over???
5:00 last student, cook dinner (fish sticks and mac and cheese) while listening to the looney tunes theme song- she nailed it!
6:00 head to church for a family night and pumpkin carving
8:30 wow, what just happened? 25 families came and had an awesome time- parents and kids are getting saved- everything went smoothly
we go over it with the fam while watching the pumpkins shine
Oct. 30
Recital day, shyann's back (the almost 2 year old I keep)she sleeps from 7:30-noon, working all day on recital programs, putting youtube videos with the kids songs for a multimedia theme song recital
11am boy Charis is quiet- omg, the worst mess of all 3 kids- purple food coloring paste all over her and the kitchen floor! I'll laugh one day
at 2pm I walk with my favorite neighbor and we catch up over our lives (much to talk about)
3:30 kids are back for lessons
5:30 make shift dinner and parent teacher conference
6:30 hit the church for the recital to find many already there, so much for practicing before
check the technology agh, we had all the videos preset and had to refresh theme....5 guitars to tune, pre performance jitters, the people kept pouring in.....had a great recital! I love my students, thank you Cody for watching the kids
8:30 time for more kingsbury- on forgiven by now
Oct. 31
sleep in , day off? really ?
7:30 dad calls, when ya'll leaving? did you the envelopes? where are we going to meet
8:30 on the road to Cody's mom's surgery in Edmond ( north of OKC) reading kingsbury , it's getting good!
10:30 visit with nana pawpaw and their friends (ours too) kids get tired of the hospitol
11- lunch with my parents for mom's birthday (monday) dad finally gets those envelopes
12:30 hit lifeway, wow Charis is doing great, she's such a go with the flow kid
1- back at hospitol, chase Charis around the waiting room, get word nana's good head to Lowes, check prices on wood for a project we are sponsoring in the morning
then we check at a smaller store....
4:30 are home and Cody wants t o go to duncan and trick or treat at the churches- get kids dressed up, I guess we'll have candy for dinner....( boy did the hotdog at Bethel hit the spot)
fyi walmart on halloween is empty- great time to shop
8pm home boys go the the home football game, girls in bed, mom takes a bubble bath and finishes another book , I think I'm addicted
and then Saturday Nov. 1st
how did we make it though this week? only by the grace of God- I spend some time telling him how much I love him, he tells me about himself as well
cereal, cartoons, clean house? nah, we'll put it off another day
9 am head to a local widow's home to put in a porch- I organized it for our ladies Bible study mission project, we got the guys there and they did most of it , we painted, moved lumber, got drinks, food, supplies and put in an shower wall.....God bless Sylvia and all those cats...
2pm wow Charis is a good baby, done more mission work in her first year of life than most of our church members- oh our car wouldn't start, just an inconvience....
3-4 try to relax a bit
4- trick or treat party at friends house
5:30 trick or treating in our town- a big deal, hundreds of kids
7:30 the party moves to our house for some football, go sooners!
9 pm who would believe this kind of week? I must write it or I'll forget it all! I love my life, don't get me wrong but I need some r & r.....see ya
I apologize for the space but after this week and spending the last hour trying to upload the same pictures, I am fed up with blogger.com and publishing no matter what it looks like - argh!
I really thought I was busy and I have been all that and more! You made me tired, but inspired me to post on times and what nots! Those Kingsbury books can be addicting, I'm into nonfiction right now, then I'll go back to dreaming and fiction again! Have a great upcoming week!
I deactivated my facebook account, you cannot find me on it because I don't ever want anything like that to happen again. It was beyond frustrating! I do need your email addy again. Just email me and I can have it, thanks. You will just have to keep up with me on my blog.
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