Monday, September 26, 2011


I turned 34 this weekend so I give you my 34 reasons to just keep on living
1. because seasons change and bring new life and experiences
2. because there's always another tree to climb or adventure to have

3. because there are real treasures out there for those who are looking

4. because you will need to tell your nieces and nephews all about growing up with their parents
5. because there are things God's still working out in your life
6. because your parents will need you one day and they gave you life so respect theirs in their old age
7. because you never know when an old friend will call to catch up
8. because life will not always be pretty, stuff happens but your creator, HE is real good at redeeming things! newness is his specialty 

9. because there are foods I haven't tried and experimenting to be done with new flavors 
10. because there are coffee dates with my girls to be had

11. because there are still lessons to learn

12. because there is joy in serving

13. because my babies and Deacon are growing up and I don't want to miss a minute of it
14. because my house isn't completely organized yet
15. because I still need to buy 3 more place settings of my china pattern
16. because I still haven't won first place at a 5k race
17. because I need to visit my family in NC 
18. because I have a book to write
19. because I want to finish my masters
20. because there is beauty in the world in the most unlikely places

21. because there are victories to be won

22. because there are students who want to learn music 
23. because the college students at church need my cookies to help them learn
24. because my friends need my listening ear
25. because there are songs I don't know & stories I haven't heard
26. because you never know when you may get flowers

27. because I still love kissing my man
28. because my boogie boarding days are not over...there are wave to ride
29. because my snow skiing days aren't over either....and my kids are just beginning to love it.
30. because you never know when a fairy may fly by

31. because God is good and his ways are right
32. because their are still people I love that haven't heard the gospel and accepted God's grace
33. because the sun is still coming up and setting everyday in beauty and

34. my life's story is not over!
Cheers for another year of living!


Deb said...

I especially like number 4 =)

totegirl said...

I tend to like #30....

totegirl said...

and #27 :)

Shannon said...

Great reasons - every one of them! Enjoy year 35!