Snowboarders....I am now outnumbered....I have thought, "I think I could do that." Then reality sets in and I remember how they fall and what 6 weeks of crutches would look like- I just see piles of laundry- no I'll stick with my skis. Thanks.
Nothing like teaching your kids to ski or snowboard. Believe it or not- Cody is very good with him, teaching and being patient. It takes 3 years + of patient skiing.
He's getting it but we can still out last him. He was pretty tired that first day.
I thought you'd like to see this. My High Sierra Purple backpack,, and the old purple gloves Cody got, 15 years ago. I actually wore them one day.
I am not into "image" so I had no problem sporting them.
These people were all about image. I had a lot of time with no 2 year old to chase so I watched people and took a few pictures. :)
Skunk boy was there...
And Gumby...sorry he walked camera...thanks for understanding
Moses was there too but I wasn't fast enough, you'll have to take my word on it.
Cookie monsters...
This kid just broke out of the chain gang..
Then there was this...Grim Reaper? I don't know...
And our favorite, Me Lucky Charms day early for St. Paddy's day, I guess he couldn't wait
And look he's a backpacker too...
Which only got my blogging mind going.
Then I took note of everyone's totes. Then, with it being awards season and all I couldn't resist. So here they are. The first annual BackPack Awards!!
Winner for "Best Camouflaged Backpack" goes to.....
It's really there I promise.
And the winner in the category of "You are very brave to sport THIS" goes to...
I really have no room to talk, my gloves are 15 years old and my ski attire is not far from it.
I really debated this one- but winner in the best "Over-done St. Patrick's Day award" goes to....
"Just Get a Locker" Winner...
"Why bother? Thinnest Bag" Award goes to....
"Best overall Bag" Winner
So it was a little blurry, bad camera, but you knew that....
It won not only because it was very versatile & had that cool mini tote attached but because we were surrounded by Aggies, Longhorns and Red Raiders....I would've awarded OSU orange too - it was just good to see some fellow Sooners.
Then there was this lady....
I feel like this every day. She wins the "Totegirl of the year" award. Bless her heart.
Some of us just don't know when to say no.
Winners: Congratulations, you have all won new High Sierra backpacks filled with thousands of dollars, purple ski gloves, season passes for 2011/12 to Durango Mt. (our favorite on the tour) and NEW 2010 Black Cameros !!!!! Please contact me at to redeem your prizes.
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