Nine years ago she packed up and moved to Orlando after college. Probably to meet the guy on the right, who is her perfect soul mate.
Five years ago I made another long 10 day journey to the hottest town on earth for her wedding. It was a celebration I will never forget.

And he evened out the boy/girl ratio on the Robbins side.
There is something about your sister's kid that is so dear to your heart. We hate the 1000 miles that separate us but make do. You know relationships are conversation. I have her in Florida and another childhood friend in California. We are as close now as we were when we all went to church together because we talk no less than once or twice a week. Staying connected. Having quality and quantity conversations. Now apply this to a relationship with creator God....
She was over zealous and when I told her 2 years ago we were coming to Orlando for the convention she went out and bought a house last year. JK , God provided a wonderful deal for them and they are using the blessing to bless us. We stayed 6 nights with her, ate her food, used her laundry. Her husband and baby got sick, but never did they make us feel unwelcome- we will be back. But not in June, if I can avoid it. I hear Feb and Oct are real nice.
We even listened to Mama Mia soundtrack. I'm still singing "dancing queen "
During convention I always attend the minister's wives luncheon.
Don't know how I stumbled upon it years ago but I did. I still have the totebag from that occasion. I paid $10 for the luncheon and the bag had over $100 worth of DVDs, books and giveaways. Two years we've gotten premier jewelry (mine broke) .
Deb and my mom kept the kids that day and let me go have some girl time. I met up with blogging friend Angela on left there and Becky (on right, childhood friend ) and Tara on the far right, she I met threw Becky last year at the convention and had a blast.
This year I signed up to be a table hostess. It was really fun. We had ladies from Kentucky and Alabama in our group. There are over 1000 woman at this thing and one year I sat at the same table as one of Becky's husbands' groomsman's wife. Yeah we made that connection over lunch. Small world.

As I walked in I was in awe- Orange. They had decorated in orange!!!! And the totebag with all the goodies was orange! Over all in all the exhibits we collected 8 of this kind of bag that I use to haul groceries in :)
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