Camp. day 1
I find myself at camp once again this summer.
This time Cody is camp pastor. I am just along for the ride. The kids and I were asked to come. So here we are. I have meals prepared three times a day. Rejoice! However, there is no internet. Ahhhhhh!
We will survive. People have been known to live without it for centuries so I am not worried.
We are 2 miles north of Vici, OK. Cody and I came here years ago the summer we got married. It’s in the Northwestern part of OK. The slow pace and lack of responsibility gives me time to think.
So far I have learned
1. People up here are really nice, they have no idea who I am, not that I’m anybody
2. The dirt is sand not red. And it's everywhere. EVERYWHERE.
- It’s not as open as you’d imagine, there are trees here.
- Charis is 2 and has clearly not ready for camp anytime soon.
- My older kids are growing up way to fast.
Speaking of growing up. Silas’ summer milestones include buying shades to make him look cool, choosing deodorant and cologne over toys.
A somewhat Happy Camper
day 2
Well Camper Charis peed in her bed last night. Always fun when your child seeks to ruin other people’s property with no washer/dryer available.
We’ve pulled out no less than 30 stickers out of shoes and I am still perplexed at the amount of sand in NW OK.
Cady has found BBF’s -twins. Her summer fascination with twins has come full circle. These girls are cute.
The camper is a novelty. Little bathtub, little sink. Close family time. Unplugged and unconnected as we are, we have reverted to looking at flowers, physical activity and squashing bugs.
stinky camper
later day 2...
well I found a washer, took a nap outside (in a reclining chair under a shady tree) , watched my daughter shoot a bow and arrow, watch God at work using Mr. Irresistible (without moving an inch myself- alas it can happen), have officially begun a diet (They give small portions: funny- when they yelled for seconds Cady when up but returned empty handed, when we asked why she said, “It was the same stuff” :)) and have been reading a book on recycling
In regards to recycling I am doing pretty well, I am a saver by nature- reduce and reuse and recycle. I am used to weird looks from Cody and other mother’s my age. The older people at church get it. It comes from my parents. 1. they are older than my friends parents and were born just post ww2 and used to mandatory rationing 2. we never had a whole lot of excess- plenty of wonderful memories and what we needed 3. necessity is the mother of invention- we have multi uses for everything or can use our left brains to be creative
BUT I am going to make a few changes-
*being more intentional with those cloth bags I insisted on collecting- no more forgetting them in the car!
*a compost pile - I need better soil anyway
*turning stuff off when not in use
*making a difference where I can, like at church when I lead- I have come to loathe styrofoam- easy yes but who says kids can’t wash dishes? we have plates and cups- I could save quite a bit in saying no to peer pressure and implementing this- who knows maybe someone else will follow suit.
I am a former tree hugger, I admit. But I conserve out of a different perspective now. The earth is the Lord’s we are to take care of it, not for ourselves but in graditute for what God has done. I have a feeling it’s all gonna get worse before it gets better and the Lord himself will restore the earth- I’m not too worried but I’ll do what I can. Because I am cheap! And I love when people look at me strange cause now I can just say, “Go green” and I’m cool again.
day 3
We will sleep in our own beds tonight. Hurray!
We took off after lunch to explore the region. There were 3 state parks within an hour and we choose Alabaster Caverns. I love exploring our state. I don’t think our state gets enough credit for it’s parks and recreation areas. Caverns in Ok. Here’s some pictures.
Above the caverns, cool ravines-
I loved the mile long walk through crazy stuff like this
The area where the caverns were had the red clay we are used to- unlike the camp with the sand. Charis got it all over me and her both. We washed up and joined the campers for family night. The cook out was delicious. I will miss all the meals.
This is what Charis looked like after the church service. She played in the sand then smears it all over her face when she brushes her hair back.
Stinky and Dirty Camper