This picture was taken back at Christmas but this post is about that guitar looking tote. It's about God and me and second chances.
Today I carried that guitar case to my church.
And my fingers look like this. (I love teaching beginning guitar. I know when they are practicing by simply feeling or looking at their fingers.)
I just thought you needed to see it.
My brother slammed the bathroom door on it when I was between 3-7. I don't even remember it happening. I just know that one of my thumb nails is messed up.
It makes me, me. It reminds me of my brother and Eagleton Circle where we lived and simpler times.
It was a gift. From a good friend, it's been a huge blessing. It reminds me that while I may make my plans, God is working out my destiny day by day, song by song, student by student. Proverbs 16:9
At times in my life I've really wanted to perform. Currently I want to write a book. On occasion I've tried to chart my own course but God keeps providing for me in teaching others to worship and praise Him via music. So I keep trusting him that though I'm dazed, confused and overwhelmed (just on occasion) that this is where he's working and where my anointing lies.
Several years ago God rejected me as a worship leader. My own pride had set in, taken over and become something that needed to go. It was the hardest year. I remember at the time being so broken, so hurt and yet so thankful. Thankful that I was his child and he was helping me even though it hurt.
I wondered if I'd ever get the chance to lead music again. I bet Peter thought the same thing after he denied Christ.
A year later I led worship again for the first time in a small church near Ivanhoe, TX. And we sang, "Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere". I was glad the Lord disciplines to restore not condemn forever.
The pastor of that church then gave me this guitar last summer and I led worship with it this morning at my church.
I am forever grateful for second chances. I still battle pride but never want to go back to that place. There is one God that can save, one God that deserves praise, recognition and applause and I am not him.
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