So most of you know Bishwa from my posts from going to Nepal last October. You can get up to date here if you missed it. Wonderful, WONDERFUL experience. So thankful to have gone.
I may post video later about how we came to know Bishwa and his family, his orphanage, his ministry and his country of Nepal. A beautiful place.
He came to Duncan on Thur April 8th. We got to visit briefly. He spoke at a conference at Meridian Friday and Saturday then came to my home.
He brought me a little tiny tote~
In it was a necklace and a bracelet.
The Bracelet was from Anand- Bishwa's son that is so much fun. You may remember him from here. And here he is introducing himself.
We'll keep watching him- God will do mighty things through him. I can sense it.
Bishwa asked me before he came if there is anything I wanted from Nepal.
"Can you bring Gopi? and all the children? Can they live with us forever? We have plenty of space in Oklahoma. We can visit Mt. Scott if you get homesick for the mountains. "
There was one thing I wish I had more of. I had failed to take a picture of the bag and could barely remember the name. Bishwa got it though and brought me 2 bags of this stuff....
Kapse is what he called it. It's like a Tibetian pretzel. But so much better than pretzels. They are definitely fried and made of white flour. I will never be able to make them, they will forever be a treat to me. They may be reason I go back to Nepal. Just kidding.
I ate them with chocolate spread from Belgium when I got back from my trip. But they were good by themselves to. My kids loved them, which says a lot. We finished both bags several days ago.
So we had Bishwa speak at our church. He did really well. It was his first time to preach in English. He shared his testimony. I have a video of it as well that I'll post later if I can figure it out.
These are my good friends and neighbors Leona and Sara Norton from Pursuing my passion
Sara wrote about her account here- can't wait to see what God leads her to do in the next year- she's another one to keep a watch on
Sunday was crazy after church we had lunch with some more people interested in going to Nepal.
Then we headed north of Velma to "the bottom" (of what I don't know ) they were moving cattle and Sandy Pogue (who went with me to Nepal) had invited us to see.
Nepal was a Hindu Kingdom up until a few years ago. Cow roam free there, they are considered sacred. Watching the cowboys load those cattle was a very cultural experience I'm sure. I bet he thought, "I never knew this existed" Much like I thought when I went to Nepal. International travel should be mandatory!
Then I took him to Marlow and he stayed with Michelle Jones and her family for a few days. Michelle's a photographer. A nice one that let's me use her pictures. She began taking creating masterpieces last summer. Here's her fan page. She's good.

Bishwa got to speak to her daughter's fourth grade class. One kid asked, " How long are your days there?" He had told them it was night time there at that time.

Bishwa is also musical. The first night he stayed with me he asked if he could play my guitar, he wanted to worship before he went to bed. As I checked facebook that night I heard a child of God break out in praise- it was beautiful.

Tuesday Michelle brought him back to me at lessons. I teach Michelle's daughter Lauren. This is really how Michelle got involved in the trip. She brought Lauren to lessons last summer and I said, "Hey you wanta go with me to Nepal?" The next week she said yes and I will be forever grateful. I am so glad she came. We roomed together and had a lot of 4 am chats. That's when you wake up when your not adjusted to the time yet.

This is a rare pic of me at work, enjoy!
By the way Lauren and Silas are the same age and I would arrange a marriage in a heartbeat- I love that girl.
After lessons that day I took Bishwa to Lawton. He just had to see Mt. Scott. The real draw was 7 Nepali students. I met them through facebook last year before I went. They spoke Nepali, I just smiled a lot. They are mostly from Kathmandu, near where he is from.

When the BCM wasn't open we went to the new student center with our pizza and cookies.

Can you find the crazy American in this picture? I love these girls- they are a lot of fun. 6 of them live together. I am going to host them in my home soon.

Wednesday Sandy Pogue took Bishwa on a tour of local attractions. This is Turner Falls.

And Thur. morning he had interviews to go to and we had school and the Pioneer Woman to go meet.
Bishwa loved Charis. He was no doubt homesick by this time.
He said , "You must come to Nepal little Charis"
And she promptly got on her squeaky shoes and headed out the door. I will treasure the thought of her at 2 so willing to go serve the Lord in Nepal.
So the goodbyes were quick.
A few pictures taken and they were off.
He stayed in Tulsa a few more days.
And a few days later Terry posted this....

We can't stop smiling at this picture! His trip to Oklahoma is complete!
Pray for Bishwa, for the developing country of Nepal. They need stable government but most importantly they need the hope and salvation of Jesus Christ. Money and power do not bring happiness. God is the one and only God with the power to save us. Those who have found this peace are changed indeed.
1 comment:
So glad to hear about Bishwa's trip to Oklahoma. I'm glad he was able to see so many things and connect with so many people. Also, thank you for linking my blog! I am also looking forward to this next year and where God may lead me. Charis is adorable, by the way :)
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