Thursday, April 29, 2010

LIFE shots with the new camera

I am current trying to find 60 pictures I took this morning of Charis.

I am computer dumb.

One reason may be that none of my equipment is compatible. As I get new I am finding it isn't compatible with the old. But that's life isn't it.

And this post is all about life. As in the game.

I am still reading up on how to operate the new camera but am already finding uses, I mean excuses to use it. Like this colorful old childhood game I introduced my kids to a couple of weeks ago.

Here we go, us in our little cars. I loved this game as a kid.

Hot dog it's pay day!  I used to play this game for the children. I loved filling my car with pretend kiddos. Now I play for the money.

Cady got twin boys. Both Cady and Silas love trying to see who'll have the most children. They can't understand why I'm not upset if I don't have a car load of kids at the end.
They'll even cheat to get more. It's crazy. Cady won with 5 tonight.

The day of reckoning. Ominous.

All games end sometime. (except Monopoly) And the only thing certain in life is that ours will end too. Don't know about you but I know in whom I believe and can't wait to be with him.

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