Friday, July 2, 2010

Families on Mission day 1

We are 7 adults, 5 tweens and teens, 6 "under 10's". We are Velma Comets (and one Bray donkey ) headed southeast for 7 days of beach reach, Bible Clubs and Patriotic Musicals. We are sinners and saints, saved by grace telling truth and offering hope to people on vacations. Why? Because I have begun to realize on any given summer Sunday people aren't going to church anymore. They are going to play. So if we are going to reach people we are going to have to go where the lost are.

God has put 18 people together for purpose. We have prayed through work problems, van problems and ...well I'll let you hear our first answered prayer....

Ten of the 18 left on July 2nd, taking their time traveling and sightseeing along the way. The rest of us die hard roadies are leaving at 4 am on July 3rd. Traveling 13 hours all in one day.

So speaking of road trippin....some pictures from the last one and some ideas of how we do it.

Dvd players and DS's - it's just part of being an American kid. There are also books, and I let them pick them out on their own at the library - I also offer to buy them books. Books are important! But the best way we've found to get reading in on a trip is do read together the same book. We read a Junie B Jones book on this trip. The library also has lots of books on cd.

We are waiting for someone to make a car with a divider between loud children in the backseat and "wanting to converse" adults in the front seat. Something besides a cop car. While we wait the ipod has been a lifesaver for this guy.

These little cups I found at Micheals craft store a year ago. They have lids , were only 1$ and fit perfectly in my cupholders. I got three. They are amazingly convenient for splitting everything from candy to chips to even ice cream.

Under my seats I have a plastic bin that holds wipes, toys, spoons, books, snacks, juice boxes....they are helpful

Occasionally new toys will entertain for hours. Which is more than they do at home. Click here to see our lego set up, we aren't taking those to Alabama

Charis regrettably won't be joining us on this trip to Alabama. I am going to lead and cook and she still requires naps. And while I was doing Bible school Wed. night at our church she broke loose of her group and came front and center to me, pulled up her summer dress and flashed the group. She is entertainment on long trips but granny wants to participate in the trip and this is her specialty.

Speaking of everyone doing their part. We have been really have been blessed by many who've made food for us!! And # 1 need is prayer for the challenges along the way. PRAY. All of our 10 and under kiddos have yet to be baptized. Some have made decisions for Christ and are working that out with parents.

Mission work more often than not changes us as much or more than it changes those we minister to.

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