Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday weigh in day-week 5

-1.5 still a loss but I was wanting more...I have slacked a little this week in my calorie estimating. (I don't write it down so I don't really know)

One thing about repentance it doesn't come easy- hard, harder, easier, under my feet.....worth it but it's not handed to me. Every pound is earned.

 I have found moderation is essential. Let me introduce you to moderation.

The muffin on the right is what I'd normally eat but the one on the left is what I need, just a taste. These had cream cheese stuffed in the middle. A copy from starbucks....I don't want to spend the rest of my life not eating good food so I figured I'd better learn to eat in moderation. Works for me.

Larry Boy and the Bad apple is one of Charis' favorite movies- she sings this song all the time

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